Wednesday, May 29, 2013

He said I'm really good at making you hate me,
you make me feel like dirt and I'm hurt.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Dear Alex Turner, he has made  adolescence far less painful with his incredible music. He too has made my life more amazing, his music inspires me, I almost can't acknowledge what a genius this man is with lyrics. Lyrics that have made me both laugh and cry and for that I will forever love him and arctic monkeys. I guess this has turned more into a thank you letter of some sorts. I am very grateful for finding such great music that has changed my life.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christopher Owens.
How I love thee... how incredible you are darling. I can't even, I'll leave it that. I love girls (R.I.P the band will be dearly missed) but I am eager to see this man go solo.

I wish I could find someone who shared the same interest as me.
I'm not a loner or anything, I have friends but I'm always the odd one. The black sheep who listens to different music likes different things, sometimes I just want to geek out with someone who loves the same things I love.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hello Imaginary people I am referring to as I have no followers.

I think I like not having followers because it's like no pressure or something, no embarrassment. Anyways this year has been, well there. If that says anything. I mean it wasn't bad, I am a senior now but I honestly think it has been one of the suckiest years I've had to be part of. This year I have felt the loneliest, but there were many great aspects such as I found so many great bands. See this is what I do when I feel crappy listen to music(it numbs me), I have expanded my music taste so much. I haven't watched as many movies as I would have wanted to since I no longer have netflix, which sucks! The best movie I saw this year was The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Such an amazing movie, I cried no not even I bawled! I heard it was a good movie but it just hit me so hard. I can relate to the character charlie so much not in his experiences but his emotions. I've met great people none that had significantly made an impact on me. It was a pretty crappy year due to I guess just my mindset. I wouldn't call it depression but like a mid stage to it. I don't know how to describe it, an empty feeling most of the time but yet not entirely. When I watched the perks of being a wallflower a quote stuck out, "I am both happy and sad, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be." I mean that is how I have felt over this year, I just hope it gets better next year.

So I leave you whomever reads this
that I will be fine, I just needed to share a couple things before this year ended.

 Stay weird, Love Liz.

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